NatSol toilets are helping to provide toilet facilities for fishermen - or perhaps that should be fisher people. They can be situated fairly close to lakes providing the urine soakaway can be 10m from the watercourse.
Some examples of NatSol toilets on fishing lakes:-
Interior of toilet by fishing lake

Site: The Carp Syndicate
Location: Crowborough, E. Sussex
Building/Toilet Type: Full Access Composter with NatSol timber building
Description: A standard NatSol fully accessible composting toilet and building tastefully fitted out by the client. The soak box would normally be installed behind the toilet pedestal so as to provide a lid rest and to maximise space alongside the pedestal for wheelchair users.
Installed date: June 2017
Twin cubicle waterless toilet for fishing lake

Site: Fishing lake in Crowborough
Location: Crowborough
Building/Toilet Type: Standard Timber/Full Access
Description: This is the same toilet as shown in the example above. The additional cubicle has urinals.
Installed date: June 2017
Fishermen benefit from waterless toilet

Site: Wooda Lakes
Location: Holsworthy, Devon
Building/Toilet Type: Customer Designed/Full Access
Description: A standard NatSol Full Access composting toilet with a building designed and built by the client
Installed date: December 2017
Link: Wooda Lakes